Husband sparks fury after calling stay at home mums ‘lazy gold diggers’

Husband sparks fury after saying stay-at-home mums should ‘stop being lazy gold diggers’ and ‘pull their weight’ by getting a ‘real job’

  • A husband has sparked fury after claiming stay at home mums are just lazy
  • The man compared fulltime mums to gold diggers and called for equality
  • He said it isn’t fair to men to have to look after the kids and work full time

A man who compared stay at home mums to gold diggers who simply use their husbands as personal ATMs has been slammed online by thousands of women.

‘Jonathan’ was outed by popular Facebook Page ‘Stay at Home Mum’ after sending them a message demanding fulltime mums stop being so ‘lazy’.

‘This encourages females not to be in the workplace and to rely on men,’ the man said referring to the name of the page.

‘Jonathan’ was outed by popular Facebook Page ‘Stay at Home Mum’ after sending them a message demanding fulltime mums stop being so ‘lazy’

A man who dared compare stay at home mums to gold diggers who simply use their husbands as personal ATMs has been slammed online by thousands of women

A man who dared compare stay at home mums to gold diggers who simply use their husbands as personal ATMs has been slammed online by thousands of women

But the unprovoked rant continued.

‘I just think women shouldn’t be lazy. Men take care of their kids and work a full time job. why shouldn’t females bring in half their weight as well,’ he said.

He added that relationships should be half and half with both parents taking care of the kids and bringing in 50% of the money.

‘Being with a man so he can work hard and give all his money to you is not a job and is not okay,’ he said.

‘Taking advantage of someone and treating a man like a bank is not okay. It is called gold digging and it is being someone who uses others,’ he concluded.

The page shared a screen shot of the very direct message with their followers who slammed the father for his arrogance. 

The man said women should pull their weight in a relationship instead of being lazy

The man said women should pull their weight in a relationship instead of being lazy

‘Let’s talk about childcare, Jonathan. In my state, it is $600 per child. At least. I homeschool SEVEN children. I am saving us $4,200 a month by staying at home and freeloading off of my husband,’ one woman said.

‘I also meal plan and cook meals, so I’m saving us chef costs at a rate of at least $1300 per month for a mediocre chef.’

‘I also clean the house, so… I’m saving us on maid costs of at least $300 per month if she only came once per week. So I can either make at least $6,100 per month or I can stay home and raise and teach our children as WE have chosen for me to do. Yes, it was a mutual decision. Fancy that,’ she scolded.

Others clarified the difference between the two, for Jonathan.

‘You’ll often find gold diggers don’t have kids or if they do they have full time carers for the kids while they enjoy their husbands money,’ one woman said. 

Others said a lot of dads want a medal for doing basic chorse and call spending time with their own kids ‘babysitting’.

‘I am yet to see male partners step up and take half the responsibility of running a house. Doing half the housework chores is still not half of the household responsibility.’ 

One mum noted the man had likely never spent a whole day as a stay at home dad. 

‘I preferred having a job it was way easier than staying home with the kids all day,’ one mum said. 

And others agreed saying they chose to return to work and pay for childcare after deciding being a full time mum was too difficult.

‘I tried once for a few months and let me tell you, I would much rather work than be a stay home mom. Even though I still do a majority of raising our kids, and the cooking and cleaning,’ she said.

Others said it sounded like the man had been having a rough time.

‘Jonathan definitely needs a hug,’ one woman said.

While many simply called him names and shared sympathy for his wife and children.

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