Tory rebellion grows as England exits lockdown: Politics Weekly podcast | Politics

England emerged from its second national lockdown on Wednesday, back into a three-tiered system, which was voted through by MPs on Tuesday.

But Boris Johnson will feel wounded by the 55 Conservative MPs who voted against the new measures. If Labour MPs had joined the rebels instead of abstaining, the prime minister would have failed to get the restrictions passed. So, how many more MPs can Johnson afford to lose?

While Keir Starmer only saw 15 rebels go against his chosen party line of abstention, he’ll surely have a tougher time convincing his MPs to fall in line over a Brexit deal – if we ever get one. We hear differing opinions on how Starmer should lead the party through such a vote.

And as Rishi Sunak crunched the numbers that led to last week’s spending review, Juliette Garside was busy looking into the chancellor’s finances.

Boris Johnson speaking in the House of Commons on 1 December.

Photograph: Jessica Taylor/PA

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