Heartwarming moment traffic stops to let a family of geese cross busy ring road in Manchester

Goose on the loose! Heartwarming moment traffic stops to let a family of geese cross busy ring road in Manchester

  • Motorists stop their vehicles to allow a gaggle of geese to cross a busy ring road
  • Family of birds step onto the road and slowly waddle across to the other side 
  • Footage was captured by student Dalal Alqallaf, 24, in Salford, Manchester 

This is the moment a gaggle of geese stopped the traffic to cross a busy city ring road.

Footage captured by student Dalal Alqallaf, 24, shows the family of birds slowly waddling out in front of cars and vans in Salford, Manchester.

Within seconds, motorists begin to stop their vehicles and patiently wait for the geese and goslings to make their way across the dual carriageway.

Motorists stop their vehicles as the gaggle of geese step onto the busy ring road in Salford, Manchester, at around 3.30pm on May 28

As the cars wait for them, one of the motorists gets out to ensure the geese are safely past their car.

Filmer Ms Alqallaf said the incident happened at around 3.30pm on May 28. 

She added: ‘I thought it was so cute I just had to take a video. 

‘Yes, I have seen this before and they usually cross the road between 1-3pm but I have never been able to film it on my phone. 

‘They always cross safely and the cars are very patient and wait for them.’ 

Social media users applauded the heartwarming scenes, with one describing the footage as ‘so quintessentially British.’

One user wrote: ‘Absolutely beautiful to watch!’  

The family of geese waddle across the busy road as one motorist gets out of their car and watches them

The family of geese waddle across the busy road as one motorist gets out of their car and watches them

The cars begin to make their way along the road as the family of birds make their way across

The cars begin to make their way along the road as the family of birds make their way across

Canada geese, which are an introduced species from North America, feature a distinctive black head and neck and large white throat patch

Canada geese, which are an introduced species from North America, feature a distinctive black head and neck and large white throat patch

Social media users have praised the heartwarming scenes, with one describing the clip as 'beautiful to watch'

Social media users have praised the heartwarming scenes, with one describing the clip as ‘beautiful to watch’

Layla Atkinson commented: ‘This is so quintessentially British.’

Another, called Michael, said: ‘Respect to every one of them.’

Grazza 98 added: ‘Hope they got across to the other side safely.’ 

The Canada goose is native to the Arctic and temperate parts of North America, but has been introduced to the United Kingdom. 

It is identifiable by its black head and neck, with a white throat patch that extends up over its cheeks and a brown body. 

It prefers to live near water with open areas of short grass and forms noisy flocks which are often regarded as a nuisance in parks. 

Goslings are led to water within a day after hatching.

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